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Vetafarm Scatt Scaly Face & Air Sac Mite Liquid Treatment

Rating 5/5 based on 1 Reviews

Price Starts From $61.93

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Vetafarm Scatt Mite Treatment For Birds

Scatt by Vetafarm is a powerful treatment to save your feathered buddy from the mite infection. The solution treats the two mites scaly face mites and air sac mites, most commonly found in ornamental birds like budgerigars, finches, canaries and other similar kinds of birds. Dosing your bird all year round helps in restraining recurring infestation.

The scaly face mites, also called burrowing mites, feed on keratin. If left untreated, it can prove fatal in the worst scenarios. Regular application of Scatt solution treats the mite infestation effectively and also helps in limiting re-infestations.

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Mites are gone

This easy-to-administer product kills the dangerous mites very effectively, I am impressed with the results on my bird.

Monica Sep 11, 2023