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Troy Ear Canker Drops

Rating 5/5 based on 1 Reviews

Price Starts From $14.78

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Troy Ear Canker Drops for Dogs

Troy Ear Canker Drops is a potent ear care solution, crafted to treat ear canker and ear mites (Otodectes cynotis) in dogs and cats. With its antifungal properties, it targets and helps get rid of parasites causing ear issues in pets. The solution further reduces mild ear infections, promotes ideal ear care, and soothes any irritation.

Troy Ear Canker Drops come in a convenient-to-use squeeze bottle with a flexible nozzle providing a great reach and facilitates accurate dosage administration. It soothes irritation and help maintain optimal ear health with regular use.

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The ear drops are very effective.

Frederick Aug 10, 2024